Ordner Publikationen 2022


Wählen Einklappen Titel Datum
default Long term risk of recurrence among survivors of sudden cardiac Arrest: A systematic review and meta-analysis (296 Downloads)
default Chest Compression Fraction Calculation: A new, automated, robust method to identify periods of chest compressions from defibrillator data – tested in Zoll X Series (490 Downloads)
default An international collaborative study to co-produce a patient-reported Outcome Measure of Cardiac Arrest Survivorship and Health-related Quality of Life (CASHQOL): a protocol for developing the long-form measure (3907 Downloads)
default Resuscitation Academy Deutschland: 10 Schritte auf dem Weg zu einer exzellenten Reanimationsversorgung (173 Downloads)
default 15 Jahre Deutsches Reanimationsregister: Daten retten Leben! (228 Downloads)
default CPR-Erfolg messbar machen: Das Deutsche Reanimationsregister als Qualitätsmanagementinstrument (203 Downloads)
default Die Geschichte der Reanimation: Von der Bibel über das Mittelalter bis hin zur Neuzeit. (218 Downloads)
default Das Cardiac Arrest Center: Ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Postreanimationsversorgung. (238 Downloads)
default Wenn der Sauerstoff knapp wird: Umsetzung der Reanimationsleitlinien am Beispiel Hypoxie. (176 Downloads)
default Reanimation bei Trauma: Schnelles Handeln und professionelles Management sind gefordert. (192 Downloads)
default [Ethical aspects of mechanical resuscitation in a child : Results of an expert workshop within the BMBF project CLAIRE-Children's Automated Intelligent Resuscitation] (84 Downloads)
default [In-hospital emergency care in the Federal Republic of Germany. A site survey of hospitals in the German Resuscitation Registry] (70 Downloads)
default Reply to: A debate on the relationship between out-of-hospital cardiac arrest attributed to poisoning and good neurological outcome (78 Downloads)
default Survival after traumatic cardiac arrest is possible-a comparison of German patient-registries (79 Downloads)
default European Registry of Cardiac Arrest - Study-THREE (EuReCa THREE) - An international, prospective, multi-centre, three-month survey of epidemiology, treatment and outcome of patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Europe - The study protocol (95 Downloads)