Ordner Publikationen 2021


Wählen Einklappen Titel Datum
pdf State of the Art oder Art of the Road? – Eine registerbasierte Analyse der außerklinisch durchgeführten Reanimationsmaßnahmen (356 Downloads)
pdf Bad Boller Reanimations- und Notfallgespräche 2021 – Neue Herausforderungen für die Notfallmedizin in Deutschland (265 Downloads)
pdf Jahresbericht des Deutschen Reanimationsregisters – Cardiac Arrest Center 2020 (315 Downloads)
pdf Jahresbericht des Deutschen Reanimationsregisters – Außerklinische Reanimation 2020 (418 Downloads)
pdf Jahresbericht des Deutschen Reanimationsregisters – Innerklinische Reanimation 2020 (305 Downloads)
pdf CAC-Modul im Deutschen Reanimationsregister: Bereits 75 Cardiac Arrest Center sind dabei! (295 Downloads)
default Automated Mechanical cardiopulmonary resuscitation devices versus manual chest compressions in the treatment of cardiac Arrest: Protocol of a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Comparing Machine to Human (314 Downloads)
default Comparing EMS witnessed cardiac arrest in Germany and Norway (492 Downloads)
default Autoren der Leitlinien des European Resuscitation Council. [Executive summary] (1192 Downloads)
default European Resuscitation Council Guidelines 2021: Epidemiology of cardiac arrest in Europe (291 Downloads)
default REPLY Letter to: Utstein-style and the importance of the system, Is it time for a new Utstein revision? (256 Downloads)
default To ventilate or not to ventilate during bystander CPR - A EuReCa TWO analysis (468 Downloads)
default Never quite there? — Hyperventilation in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (292 Downloads)
default Differences between manual CPR and corpuls cpr in regard to quality and outcome: study protocol of the comparing observational multi-center prospective registry study on resuscitation (COMPRESS). Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergenc (361 Downloads)
default Protocol for a cohort study of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the rate and incidence of bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (358 Downloads)