Ordner Publikationen 2019


Wählen Einklappen Titel Datum
default 51/m mit Herz-Kreislauf-Stillstand (308 Downloads) Beliebt
default Aktuelle Behandlungskonzepte des „traumatischen Herz-Kreislauf-Stillstands" (304 Downloads) Beliebt
default Application of mechanical cardiopulmonary resuscitation devices and their value in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: A retrospective analysis of the German Resuscitation Registry (189 Downloads) Beliebt
default CARDIAC Arrest Survival Score (CRASS) — a tool to predict good neurological outcome after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (193 Downloads) Beliebt
default Epinephrine in Out-of-Hospital cardiac arrest (430 Downloads) Beliebt
default International variation in survival after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: A validation study of the Utstein template (161 Downloads) Beliebt
default International variation in survival after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: A validation study of the Utstein template. (226 Downloads) Beliebt
pdf Jahresbericht des Deutschen Reanimationsregisters – Innerklinische Reanimation 2018 (162 Downloads) Beliebt
pdf Jahresbericht des Deutschen Reanimationsregisters: Außerklinische Reanimation 2018 (196 Downloads) Beliebt
default Konzepte, Training und die Vielfalt der Anbieter (268 Downloads) Beliebt
default Medizinische Ausrüstung zur Versorgung von Kindernotfällen im Rettungsdienst (249 Downloads) Beliebt
default Outcome after pre-hospital cardiac arrest in accordance with underlying cause (184 Downloads) Beliebt
default Stronger together — The power of combining existing registry data (184 Downloads) Beliebt
default When is a bystander not a bystander any more? A European survey (177 Downloads) Beliebt
default “It takes a system to save a life” - An analysis of selected EMS areas with emphasis to the implementation of the Eisenberg’s steps and the out-of-hospital cardiac arrest outcome (171 Downloads) Beliebt