Ordner Publikationen 2011


Wählen Einklappen Titel Datum
pdf Cardiopulmonary resuscitation traumatic cardiac arrest - there are survivors ( pdf, 1022 KB ) (250 Downloads) Beliebt
pdf Choice of hospital after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest - a decision with far-reaching consequences ( pdf, 295 KB ) (228 Downloads) Beliebt
pdf Postresuscitation care with mild therapeutic hypothermia and coronary intervention after OHCA ( pdf, 358 KB ) (270 Downloads) Beliebt
pdf ROSC after cardiac arrest - the RACA score to predict outcome after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest ( pdf, 158 KB ) (271 Downloads) Beliebt
pdf Supplement Deutsches Reanimationsregister 2.0 ( pdf, 2.36 MB ) (467 Downloads) Beliebt
pdf The impact of response time reliability on CPR ( pdf, 598 KB ) (272 Downloads) Beliebt
pdf The impact of response time reliability on CPR incidence and resuscitation success ( pdf, 598 KB ) (297 Downloads) Beliebt